United Kingdom ThunderBall en ligne

Achetez des billets officiels United Kingdom ThunderBall et gagnez gros


£500 000

mar. 17.09.2024

1d 11:02:53

Ligne 1:

Effacer la ligne

Choisissez 5 nombres

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Ligne 2:

Effacer la ligne

Choisissez 5 nombres

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Ligne 3:

Effacer la ligne

Choisissez 5 nombres

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Choisissez 1 étoile

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Ligne 4:

Effacer la ligne

Choisissez 5 nombres

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Choisissez 1 étoile

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Tirages consécutifs : 1 X Lignes: 4


20,00 $



Tirages consécutifs : 1 X Lignes: 4


20,00 $



JSélectionnez 5 nombres principaux dans une grille de 1 à 39, plus 1 numéro complémentaire (Thunderball) dans une grille de 1 à 14. Gagnez le jackpot en ayant les 6 bons numéros au tirage. Utilisez toujours notre option Smart Play pour optimiser vos chances

Jours de tirage

  • Lun.
  • Mar.
  • United Kingdom
  • Jeu.
  • United Kingdom
  • United Kingdom
  • Dim.


How do I know if I have won the ThunderBall lottery?

SmartWinners will email you the results after each draw. You are also able to track all your winnings on the “My Account” page on the SmartWinners website. In addition, because all the lotteries on SmartWinners are official lotteries, you can verify your results at the lottery’s official website. How to Play Thuderball online?

Can I play lotteries from other countries?

Yes! Thanks to SmartWinners lottery messenger service, you can play any lottery in the world without leaving your home.
Our local agents across the world buy lottery tickets on your behalf. The tickets are then scanned and placed in your personal account. This allows you to play lotteries from any country in the world.

How do I collect my winnings?

Your winnings can be withdrawn to your credit card or bank account at any location in the world.

If withdrawing your winnings to a credit card or bank account is not possible, we also provide withdrawal services to various e-wallet services such as QIWI and Skrill.

Winnings can be collected in whole, in part, or used to purchase additional lottery tickets.

When you win the jackpot, SmartWinners will fly you to the country where you won where our representative will provide you with your winning ticket and provide you with the details on how to collect your prize at the official lottery office.
* In the event you are unable to collect your prize in person, SmartWinners can provide you a nominee to collect your winnings for you. The nominee will pay the local taxes for you and credit the remaining winnings to your personal account.

Are there any fees applied to my winnings?

You get the full amount of your winnings minus any country taxes. Taxes depend on the laws of each specific country and state.

How does SmartWinners guarantee that I will get my winnings?

SmartWinners in a registered in the UK under the legal name “Smart Tech Limited”. We bank with the UK’s largest bank HSBC.

Purchasing a lottery ticket through SmartWinners enters our company into an agreement with you where we are obliged to pay you all your winnings in accordance with the laws of England.

You will receive the following proof of purchase:
1) An e-mail confirmation including details of your purchase.
2) Scan the ticket, which can later be viewed through your SmartWinners account.
3) The obligation of the SmartWinners to pay you your winnings, in full, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

The proof of purchase guarantees you receive your winnings. SmartWinners does not have any legal rights to your tickets or prizes.
In the last five years, SmartWinners has paid out prizes ranging from $20 to jackpots of millions of dollars!.

Our mailing address:
13 Freeland Park,
Wareham Road,
BH16 6FH,
Our office phone: 44-20-33973506

Is my personal and financial data protected?

The security and privacy of our customers in our top priority. We take all necessary measures to protect your personal and financial data. SmartWinners website is 100% PCI compliance and uses 128-bit encryption SSL Comodo Secure to encrypt pages.

Can I get a refund if I am not satisfied with my purchase?

We provide the highest quality services, so we offer a money back guarantee to all new customers for their first purchase if they, for whatever reason, are not satisfied.
This money back guarantee can only be used for the first purchase made on our site, as indicated in the Terms and Conditions of SmartWinners.


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Nombres devinés

Chaque gagné









0 + 1

1 + 0

1 + 1

2 + 0

2 + 1

3 + 0

3 + 1

4 + 0

3 £

5 £

10 £

10 £

20 £

100 £

250 £

5000 £

Le prix au rang 1 du Thunderbal est fixé à £500,000. Cela peu paraître peu comparé à certains méga loto là-base. Mais les chances de gains rendent le jeu très attractif. Comme 20 à 30 fois mieux! Un jeu simple à jouer. Et que vous pouvez jouer trois fois par semaine! Le Thunderball peut être utilisé sur 6 des 9 rangs de jeu. Vous pouvez même gagner avec juste le numéro Thunderball (1 chance sur 14!) Voici de super chances à prendre en note. Le gouvernement anglais ne prend aucune taxe et vous pouvez prendre vos gains en une somme globale.

Pourquoi Jouer

  • Minimu au rang 1: £500,000
  • Maximum au rang 1: £500,000
  • Nombre de rangs: 9
  • Record attribué £500 000
  • Chances de gain au rang 1: 1 sur 8,060,598
  • Tirages les mercredis, vendredis et samedis


Tirages consécutifs : 1 X Lignes: 4


20,00 $
