Play צאנס 3 online
Play צאנס 3 Online with Official Israel Tickets
₪3 000
Fri 31.01.2025
* Ticket sales for the current lottery draw have now closed. Any tickets you purchase will be entered into the next draw. Thank you for choosing us, and good luck!
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Chance 1, 2, 3, 4
In a regular Chance ticket, you must first choose the type of game from 4 options: Chance 1, 2, 3, 4.
You must choose the participation price from 8 options: ₪5, ₪10, ₪25, ₪50, ₪70, ₪100, ₪250, or ₪500.
Chance 1
You must guess the card drawn from one series only. Mark only one card on the form (in one of the series).
- A correct guess awards the investment amount multiplied by 5
Chance 2
You must guess the cards drawn in 2 series. Mark one card in each of the 2 series of your choice.
- A correct guess of one card awards the investment amount multiplied by ½
Chance 3
You must guess the cards drawn in 3 series. Mark one card in each of the 3 series of your choice.
- A correct guess of 3 cards awards the investment amount multiplied by 300
- A correct guess of 2 cards awards the investment amount multiplied by 7/10
- A correct guess of one card awards the investment amount multiplied by 3/10
Chance 4
You must guess the cards drawn in all 4 series. Mark one card in each of the series.
- A correct guess of all 4 cards awards the investment amount multiplied by 2,000
- A correct guess of 3 cards awards the investment amount multiplied by 8/10
- A correct guess of 2 cards awards the investment amount multiplied by 5/10
- A correct guess of one card awards the investment amount multiplied by 2/10
Draw days
- 5
- 8
- 8
- 7
Guessed Numbers
Each Won
3 ₪